So You Didn't Get a Ring?

The holidays have come and gone. What hasn’t left is the lingering Facebook post and announcements of engagements or pregnancies. I am happy for these beautiful souls who are so proud of their momentous occasions. I am happy genuinely, because when it’s my turn I want the world to be screaming in excitement for me. 

Yet, as I smiled scrolling through my friend’s pictures, somewhere in between my congratulatory comments and my repost, I thought to myself, “so, you didn’t get a ring?” 

That was a simple thought but it was astounding.  How many people look at others’ lives and sulk as they compare their life to another person’s. It was a moment for me to check my contentment. I was not jealous or unsettled, the Lord has done a mighty work no my heart. I have such peace about my future at this point in my life, but I can’t lie I was not always like this.

As I saw post of women who were feeling lonely and left out, so, I wanted to share good news with you!

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

We live to please the father, right? Well, what if I told you it pleases him when we fulfill the desires he has placed in our hearts.  When we wait patiently and rest in his promise he makes everything beautiful happen in our life at just the right time.

What if God knows you’ll never finish that book or start that business if you get married too soon. What if you have more growth and he wants your heart to be prepared for the sacrifice marriage is.  What if you think you’re ready for the next big step but he knows you wouldn’t handle it well if you received it too soon?

Sometimes the grass looks greener on the other side. I want to remind you the grass is green and beautiful right where you are. Water it. Get into your own yard plant flowers, trees, and whatever else is lovely but make it flourish. Take the moment, the space you are in, in your life and let God show you how your right now is beautiful. Even if you are having growing pains, and life is difficult right now he is turning your sorrow into joy and working your situation out for your good. I love reading Romans 11:33 O, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways!

He loves us and as we draw near to God he satisfies our hearts longings and gives us just what we need.

So, if you’re like me and didn’t get a ring …. trust God. I know mine is coming lol so I have no reason to be sad. Beyond a ring I know the joy he gives is worth me receiving now , not because of an occasion or event but because I am satisfied with Christ.

I believe in Psalms 21:2, “He grants your heart’s desire and holds back no request.”

Believe it with me <3

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