Marriage is Ministry (Valentine's Day Blog for Married Couples)

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is to be held in honor among all..

Marriage is a ministry. I heard this statement before I got married but the depth of that phrase was not clear to me until I was actually married. Marriage in mainstream culture is more self centered and I believe the divorce rate is so high because many people focus on how marriage can make them happy with romance and passion. They are disappointed when they realize that it is more layered and complex than that and aren't equipped with the tools to handle its complexities. When we see marriage as a ministry we will understand that our partner ministers to us and we minister to them. We accept the fact that we are tasked with exemplifying the love of God to our spouse. We are their safest space to learn and evolve as a believer which means we speak the harsh truths, hold them accountable, and vice versa.

Examples of ministry:

  • Praying for our partner.

  • Forgiving quickly and apologizing more often than we operate in defense

  • Ministering through compassion and care, placing their needs before our own. (When both partners operate like this, needs are constantly met.)

  • We minister when we see them as God’s child and treat them as such.

I want to remind you that although marriage is fun, romantic, (good)hard-work, and even eventful at times it is also ministry. There are times we can be healing to our partner, and they can be conduits of our own healing. When marriage becomes a competition of who can be the most selfless rather than who can be the most selfish it can become a powerful union.

 This Valentine’s Day, I want to encourage married couples to ask themselves how they can minister to their spouse. How can the spirit lead you to love in a way you have not loved your partner before? Ask God to show you blind spots where you are missing out on ministry moments with your partner. You might be surprised at what God reveals and the fruit you see from your ministering actions! I pray you see wonderful results.

A Prayer for You to Pray Aloud:

Dear Lord, thank you for my spouse. I honor the love that you have given me. May I never take for granted the opportunity to receive and give love. Let my marriage be pleasing to you. God be glorified in every way through our union. Where I can be a better minister to my spouse show me. Where my spouse lacks in ministering to me, reveal it to my loved one. God, we invite you into our marriage and declare that you are the center keeping us together. Minister to us as we minister to each other. Amen.

Happy Valentines Day!


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