God Wants You to Plan for the Next 10 Years of Your Life, Not the Next 365 Days!

I’ve thrown out my vision board. The one I made 5 years ago has about half of the goals checked off with the other half still unchecked. I got engaged, married, and had my first baby but I haven’t been to the 5 countries I placed on my board, sold a million in book sales, found my dream home, or secured 5 major partnerships for my brand. There are only a few of the plans placed on my board and over the years I would feel bad when the full board wasn't checked off. Until one day it hit me, that these desires placed in my heart were not to be confined to a year. I didn't get engaged, married, and have a baby all in one year so why do I think any other goals just have to happen in a short amount of time? My goals were goals to be accomplished over some time. Each year is a journey toward acquiring them and will happen in God’s perfect timing.

You definitely don’t have to throw away your vision board like I did but I want to challenge your mindset. Most of us are impatient. I know I struggle in this area. I have felt that if I didn't accomplish a goal quickly it would never happen. That is a lie and is a manifestation of fear. Fear is not of God. There are many things God can do quickly but there are also many things God knows should take time. I think about the story of Joseph. He had a dream that did not unfold until many years later. His life to others probably seemed hopeless because he went from being a favored child in his father's home to a servant and then he found himself in jail. In his period of waiting he was in the pit. Until the day his gifts and years of humble preparation made room for him. He then becomes second in command to the king. We must keep believing God's promises despite our current circumstances because maybe we're just in a preparation season. God could be correcting your character or just building your foundation with him before you reach your promise. The key is simply submitting to God's timing and not our time frame of when we think things should happen.  

The reality is, if we think of God's plans spanning over time, we can have a more joyful and positive outlook during the years we don’t see our checklist accomplished. We would also be more strategic. When you plan in increments you make choices that are in alignment with your long-term goals and can avoid wasting time on shorter goals that won’t benefit you in the long run. I have found myself more grateful and able to rest in joy and peace when I am not rushing my life along. We can all benefit from looking at life being built brick by brick. We won’t compare the speed of our life to others. This is why this year, I am encouraging us all to ask God specifically, “What should I plan to accomplish over the next 5, 10, or 20 years? What is my strategy and how should I think about time?”  We must think bigger this year and be brave enough to believe in God and his plans despite what may be happening around us. 

Here are some scriptures for encouragement:

Proverbs 16:9: “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

  • James 4:15: “Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.'”

  • Psalms 20:4: “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

  • Luke 14:28-33: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

  • Proverbs 16:9: “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”



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